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- 1
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Soru 1 of 12
1. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Dad : Eric! – – – -?
Son : Yes, I do. But not now.
Dad : Why? I know you like doing it.
Son : I am very tired at the moment.
Soru 2 of 12
2. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
John : Do you have any responsibilities at home?
David : Yes, – – – – .
Soru 3 of 12
3. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Darly : – – – -?
Negan : Not many. I have to make my bed and feed the family pet.
Soru 4 of 12
4. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Andrea : Who is responsible for taking out the garbage in your family?
Sophia : – – – – .
Soru 5 of 12
5. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Soru 6 of 12
6. Soru
Your friend invites you to the cinema. But you have to help your family with the chores. What do you say to your friend to refuse his invitation?
Soru 7 of 12
7. Soru
”My favorite chore is weeding the garden. Most people find it boring and exhausting. But I think it is relaxing.” ifadesini anlatan görsel aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Soru 8 of 12
8. Soru
I – Why can’t we go now?
II – Hi, Rick. Do you want to go out?
III – I must finish my homework and tidy my room first.
IV – Not now. Maybe in the afternoon.
Yukarıda karışık olarak verilen cümlelerin anlamlı bir diyalog oluşturacak şekilde sıralandığı seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Soru 9 of 12
9. Soru
Soru 10 of 12
10. Soru
Soruları verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
Hi. I am Robert. We are very excited today because our grandparents are coming to visit us after two years and we are getting ready for them. My mother is making a cake in the kitchen because my grandmother loves it. My grandfather loves picnics and we are planning to to have a picnic in the garden. So, my father is weeding the garden now. I am responsible for doing the grocery shopping. My sister is cleaning the house. We all share housework at home because it makes our duties easier.
Robert’s father is preparing the garden because – – – – .
Soru 11 of 12
11. Soru
Soruları verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
Hi. I am Robert. We are very excited today because our grandparents are coming to visit us after two years and we are getting ready for them. My mother is making a cake in the kitchen because my grandmother loves it. My grandfather loves picnics and we are planning to to have a picnic in the garden. So, my father is weeding the garden now. I am responsible for doing the grocery shopping. My sister is cleaning the house. We all share housework at home because it makes our duties easier.
– – – – is cleaning the house.
Soru 12 of 12
12. Soru
Soruları verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
Hi. I am Robert. We are very excited today because our grandparents are coming to visit us after two years and we are getting ready for them. My mother is making a cake in the kitchen because my grandmother loves it. My grandfather loves picnics and we are planning to to have a picnic in the garden. So, my father is weeding the garden now. I am responsible for doing the grocery shopping. My sister is cleaning the house. We all share housework at home because it makes our duties easier.
Robert’s mother is making a cake because his grandmother – – – – .