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Soru 1 of 12
1. Soru
Boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Dave has a terrible headache and he needs a painkiller so he is – – – -.
Soru 2 of 12
2. Soru
Boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Matt often – – – – because he is interested in animals.
Soru 3 of 12
3. Soru
Boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Hillary: I need some help for my camping event on the weekend. Can you help me tomorrow?
Mike : I’m sorry, I can’t. I think I – – – – . He will clean the garden.
Soru 4 of 12
4. Soru
Boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Bella – – – – for her best friend’s wedding ceremony.
Soru 5 of 12
5. Soru
Boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
When you need some medicine because of an illness, you – – – – .
Soru 6 of 12
6. Soru
Aşağıda karışık olarak verilmiş cümlelerin anlamlı bir diyalog oluşturacak şekilde sıralandığı seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
I- He was Elton John, the musician.
II- We shook our hands and said good bye.
III- He signed one of his albums for me.
IV- I saw a celebrity yesterday at the café.
Soru 7 of 12
7. Soru
Aşağıda verilen görsele göre cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Josephine – – – – on her semester holiday to take photos for her school project.
Soru 8 of 12
8. Soru
Yukarida verilen görsele göre hangi seçenek doğrudur?
Soru 9 of 12
9. Soru
Aşağıda verilen metinde numaralanmış cümlelerden anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi işaretleyiniz.
(I) My mother always goes to shopping mall for shopping. (II) She buys bread from bakery shop every day. (III) She likes reading newspaper. (IV) She never goes to restaurant. She always cooks at home.
Soru 10 of 12
10. Soru
Verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
Sophie is a really good housewife and supportive mother. She always starts her day with a large breakfast with her family. She meets her friends at the same café three times a week. Susan, Liz and Sue are her best friends. After having some time, they go shopping together. Susan likes flowers very much and she usually goes to the florist’s to see what is new. Liz has a dog and she sometimes goes to pet shop to buy some dog food. Sue is very fond of books, so she always goes to library to borrow new books. Sophie is good at cooking. She usually goes to greengrocer’s to buy fresh fruit and vegetables for her family.
Sophie – – – – three times a week.
Soru 11 of 12
11. Soru
Verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
Sophie is a really good housewife and supportive mother. She always starts her day with a large breakfast with her family. She meets her friends at the same café three times a week. Susan, Liz and Sue are her best friends. After having some time, they go shopping together. Susan likes flowers very much and she usually goes to the florist’s to see what is new. Liz has a dog and she sometimes goes to pet shop to buy some dog food. Sue is very fond of books, so she always goes to library to borrow new books. Sophie is good at cooking. She usually goes to greengrocer’s to buy fresh fruit and vegetables for her family.
Who always goes to library?
Soru 12 of 12
12. Soru
Verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
Sophie is a really good housewife and supportive mother. She always starts her day with a large breakfast with her family. She meets her friends at the same café three times a week. Susan, Liz and Sue are her best friends. After having some time, they go shopping together. Susan likes flowers very much and she usually goes to the florist’s to see what is new. Liz has a dog and she sometimes goes to pet shop to buy some dog food. Sue is very fond of books, so she always goes to library to borrow new books. Sophie is good at cooking. She usually goes to greengrocer’s to buy fresh fruit and vegetables for her family.
Which is false?