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- 1
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- Yanlış
Soru 1 of 12
1. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Dave: Mum, we must call the police.
Mother: Why? What happened?
Dave: – – – – .
Mother : Let’s call the police.
Soru 2 of 12
2. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Bill: A man robbed the bank yesterday.
Joe: – – – – -?
Bill: 20000 dollars and 10000 pounds.
Soru 3 of 12
3. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Jane: Some criminals stole some jewellery.
Police officer: – – – – ?
Jane: Two women and a man.
Soru 4 of 12
4. Soru
Sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Aylin: Someone broke into my house last night.
Detective: – – – – ?
Aylin: I was at the cinema with my friends.
Soru 5 of 12
5. Soru
Konuşma balonunda ifade edilen para miktarı hangi seçenekte doğru verilmiştir?
Soru 6 of 12
6. Soru
Two burglars broke into my house last night. They stole a painting and two hundred thousand liras. My neighbour saw them in the garden and he called the police.
Yukarıda verilen metinde seçeneklerdeki sorulardan hangisinin cevabı yoktur?
Soru 7 of 12
7. Soru
Yukarıdaki görselle ilgili seçeneklerden hangisi doğrudur?
Soru 8 of 12
8. Soru
Seçeneklerde verilen görsellerin hangisi doğru ifade edilmiştir?
Soru 9 of 12
9. Soru
Konuşma balonundaki ifade ile ilgili görsel hangi seçenekte doğru verilmiştir?
Soru 10 of 12
10. Soru
Soruları verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
I’m Selin. It’s Sunday today and we are all at home. Mom is in the kitchen and my dad is watching the news. My sister Eda is tidying her room and my brother Murat is playing in the garden. It’s a nice day and now, we are preparing breakfast with mom. I love helping her in the kitchen.
– – – – is watching TV now.
Soru 11 of 12
11. Soru
Soruları verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
I’m Selin. It’s Sunday today and we are all at home. Mom is in the kitchen and my dad is watching the news. My sister Eda is tidying her room and my brother Murat is playing in the garden. It’s a nice day and now, we are preparing breakfast with mom. I love helping her in the kitchen.
Selin is – – – -.
Soru 12 of 12
12. Soru
Soruları verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
I’m Selin. It’s Sunday today and we are all at home. Mom is in the kitchen and my dad is watching the news. My sister Eda is tidying her room and my brother Murat is playing in the garden. It’s a nice day and now, we are preparing breakfast with mom. I love helping her in the kitchen.
Which is true?