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Soru 1 of 12
1. Soru
1- 8. sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
I love drama very much. I wish – – – -.
Soru 2 of 12
2. Soru
Helen is a really modest person. If she were rich, she would – – – -.
Soru 3 of 12
3. Soru
I sometimes really wonder about tomorrow. I wish I could – – – – .
Soru 4 of 12
4. Soru
My dream is to fly freely in the sky one day. I wish – – – -.
Soru 5 of 12
5. Soru
In our school, – – – – .The school management gives great importance to the hygiene.
Soru 6 of 12
6. Soru
Jack : I feel really hungry. Let’s eat out!
Tom : Me too, but it is almost midnight.
Jack : What do you mean?
Tom : This is a small city and – – – – .
Jack : Oh, that’s so bad.
Soru 7 of 12
7. Soru
In theaters all the – – – – before the play begin for a nice atmosphere.
Soru 8 of 12
8. Soru
Helen is heavily into writing stories so she – – – – .
Soru 9 of 12
9. Soru
There are some preparations that should be done before shooting a movie. (I) First prepare all the equipment before starting a movie. (II) Set the camera and audio systems in the studio. (III) My favorite movie type is drama. (IV) Then you should check the setting and the environment. (V) Finally, if the actors and actresses are ready, you can begin shooting a movie.
Verilen cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda metnin anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi işaretleyiniz.
Soru 10 of 12
10. Soru
10- 12. soruları verilen metne göre cevaplayınız.
Many people think a hero is equivalent to the Superman. However, I think a hero is someone who is not defined by the strength of his muscles, but by the strength of their heart. Bruce Lee was a man of heart and a man of will. He is a hero to the people of the world because he has inspired many people across the globe and has influenced their lives in almost all areas of popular culture. He was one of the first people from China to leave and create a successful life in America. Americans also started taking karate classes in the 1970s to feed their inspiration that Bruce Lee gave them. Bruce Lee was a true hero because he was not just an on-screen figure. In his daily life, he was a role model to many people. He was characterized as a very respectable man with a big heart. Although he was respectable, most people did not treat him that way. He received a lot of racial discrimination for being a part of Chinese minority living in American majority. But he was a good person at heart and he eventually helped to change American racial perspectives thanks to his easygoing character and modest behaviours .
According to the passage Bruce Lee – – – -.
Soru 11 of 12
11. Soru
Americans started taking karate classes because – – – – .
Soru 12 of 12
12. Soru
According to the writer a hero – – – – .